Monday, February 13, 2012

Are We There Yet?

This past summer we took our children to the beach for our family vacation.  Due to their excitement they continuously asked the infamous question; “are we there yet”?  Mom, when are we going to get there?  Why is it taking so long?  There have been many days that I have almost lost my mind and hair from hearing those questions repeated every 10 minutes!  I’m sure those of you who are parents understand exactly where I’m coming from.  Wives, don’t you ever wonder why these precious little people never asked their Dad these repetitive questions?  Anyway, they wouldn’t be kids if they didn’t become a little impatient while waiting. 

Let’s face it; no one wants to wait for the thing that they know will bring them happiness.  In our relationship with our heavenly father, we are much like our kids.  But, no matter how much we dislike the wait, we don’t have a choice because everything takes time.  Even when you put food in a microwave, it still takes a certain amount of time.  Therefore beloved, we need to embrace the time that it takes to get what He has promised and use that time wisely.

Although God does not live in time, He has designed us to do just that.  He has ordained certain times for certain things and events in our lives according to Ecclesiastes chapter 3.  You see embracing the time that God has given you will actually help you to mature as a Christian.  It allows you to see the fullness of His grace and at times His mercy displayed your life.  We all know that beholding Gods grace and mercy is not something to be scoffed at.  For although we all need it, He extends it to whom He wants to for that time.  Because He is God and His ways are above ours.

So, even while you are asking “are we there yet?” allow perseverance to finish its work in you.  For if you do, you will be strengthened by God’s power and the glory of the Lord will be revealed in your life.

Stay Strong
Your First Lady

Friday, January 6, 2012

Kingdom Fasting for Kids

During this time of year when Pastor Andy and I are fasting, we also have our children consecrating with us.  We realize that as our children grow older and become more aware, it is our responsibility to teach them the blessing and importance of sacrificing for their spiritual growth.

My children have benefited quite a bit from these times of fasting and prayer.  I believe it has made this great big God we serve more personal to them.

I want to encourage you to give it a try, and have your kids join you this year in giving God a 10th of 2012.  Here are a few of my kid friendly fasting ideas.


Preschool to High School:

Abstain from chips, juice, soda, candy and all junk foods.  This includes, but is not limited to, trips to fast food places, such as Wendy’s, Mcdonalds, Bojanles, Biscuitville, etc.

Middle School to High School (Our daughters Kayla’s fast):

Eat fruits and vegetables instead of regular meals and only drinking water.


All Ages:

Reducing the amount of TV time as well as video games usage.


All Ages:

It’s always wise to add spiritual edification along with the sacrifice of the things we give up during a time of fasting. So, here are some reading plans for your kids.

Preschool to Kindergarten: (2 Scripture memorizations)

It is easier for them to memorize when the scripture is shortened or put to song.

Ephesians 6:1

Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his only son.

Elementary School:

Memorize the books of the bible in a song.  Sing it with them as they are preparing for school or in the car on the way to school each day.  Try this CD “I Love My Bible” by Kids On The Move on itunes.

Have each of your children take turns every evening reading a familiar bible story to you and their siblings while you make dinner or do a chore.  Use it for a time of discussion and allow them to give their thoughts.  

A few of my favorites are:

The Birth of Jesus
The Birth of John the Baptist
The Creation
Adam and Eve
3 Hebrew boys: Shadrack, Meshack, and Abendigo
Queen Esther
Sampson the Strong
David and Goliath
Deborah the Judge

Middle School to High School:

Read a Bible verse on every morning before school each day.

Read one Proverb each day during the consecration.

Have your pre-teen or teenager take turns taking prayer request and praying for everyone in your family while in the car on the way to school regarding grades, tests, friends, work etc.

My prayer is that this will become a family tradition in your home that extends to the generations to follow.

Your First Lady

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall Fashion Trend Tip: Scarves

Now, this is a trend that everyone should enjoy. Scarves add the extra little completion to any outfit both day and evening. It could even take the place of a statement necklace or some gigantic earrings.                                                                                                                                  
The great thing about scarves is that they refuse to discriminate against age, weight or skin tone, so have fun and explore the world of scarves. You can find them almost anywhere. Here are a few that I love from Old Navy, Target, The Loft and JCrew but again, you can look in any store and find a beautiful scarf.                                                                                               -Tamika Duley                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

On Earth

Have you ever been at a place in your salvation where you began to question God and the 
Kingdom?  Have you ever wanted to just quit this whole salvation thing?  If you answer 
was yes to either of those questions, then you are not alone.  I’m sure that many believers 
have sat in the seat of doubt at one time or another.  Lately, I’ve been pondering what it is 
that makes us go from mountain top belief one day into the valley of sheer doubt the next.  
If you are asking that question, too, then I have one of the reasons for you. 

While in church a few Sundays ago, I was praying the Lord’s Prayer along with everyone 
else.  I asked myself, “How many times have I recited this prayer?”  I am sure that if I 
tried calculating it, the number would be too numerous to count.  Anyway, when we got 
to the part that says, “Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” I 
realized at that moment that most people are still waiting for their lives to be on earth as it 
is in heaven.  And the problem with some Christians is that their life is not as God says it 
is in heaven.  And the reason why is doubt enters in their hearts when they get tired of 
waiting for the manifestation of their miracle.  I believe that the doubt which we 
sometimes go through is the very thing that is holding up the blessing that we’re so 
desperate for.  After waiting for so long, you get to the point of weariness in your waiting 
and you begin to think that it will never happen to you.  Imagine what your life would be 
life if Satan never tricked you into doubting God.  If you can’t see it, let me describe it to 

Life without doubt would look something like this.  First of all, you’d never worry or 
even think about money because after all, your Father owns the cattle on a thousand hills, 
and you live in a mansion on a street made of gold.  And don’t forget that David said he’s 
never seen the righteous forsaken nor God’s seed begging.”  Also, you wouldn’t be ill for 
long because there are no sick folk in heaven, so there are no sick folk on earth. And you 
would always be at peace and full of joy because you would be worshipping God both 
day and night with the angels. 

First Lady LaShawn Thompson

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Searching for a Real Love

While patronizing one of our local shops the other day, I heard a song that inspired me to leave, get into my vehicle, and jot down the title for this note.  The song was, you guessed it, “Real Love,” sung by one of today’s well-known female artists.  I’m telling you, a person can become inspired by almost anything when he/she is filled with the Holy Spirit.

I believe that the people of today are searching for real love- not just the love between a man and a woman- but a love that is Godly and a love that is genuine and true.  Most people are looking for a love that comes without painful conditions.  Anyone who is looking for this kind of love can get it only from the Father.  He is the only one who can give you what your soul is longing for.  And guess what?  God desires something from you as well.  He desires that you learn to love the way Christ does.  The idea of loving like the Lord sounds pretty easy at first, doesn’t it?  And it can be.  It can be easy, only if you realize the truth of it.

The truth of loving the way God wants us to, is that you must follow the way the Word says to do it and not the way you are used to doing it because as humans we have a way of loving others conditionally.  Just think about it; one of the first think you learn, as a new believer, is that we love Christ because “He first loved us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  You see, He showed His love first, and then we decided to reciprocate by living for Him.  What if the Lord did not actually die for us?  What if he did not perform all the signs and wonders that the Bible speaks of?  I ask you, would you still love and serve Him?  I know that my answers would be yes, yes, and yes.  Christ would not have to actually die for me to prove his love.  His love was well proven in what He did while He was alive.   He didn’t have to die, but I am glad that He did.  So in my effort to be more like Him, the least that I can do is love the right way.  If you don’t know what the right way is, I’ll tell you.

The right way is with patience and kindness.  The right way is without envy, but with thankfulness in your heart, not boasting and without pride; but with humility, considering yourself; without rudeness or selfishness, but with a giving heart; without anger or keeping track of wrongs; and last, without delighting in evil, but rejoicing when truth is evident.

Now, when you think of it like that, it’s no easy task because you must be operating in all of it in order to love the way He desires.  No, it’s not easy but “doable.”

Friday, August 19, 2011

Who’s the Boss?

One of the things that I love about my children’s getting older is the change in the way that they think and speak.  I love to stand and listen to the conversations that they have with one another.  Sometimes I listen, and I realize that my children have gotten more and more mature with each passing year.  There have been some conversations that I’ve heard which have truly amazed me.  It amazes me that children so young can be so perceptive of the world around them.  Just a few days ago, I overheard a conversation that two of my boys were having about God.  Wait until you hear this!

A.J. was singing a song about the Lord, which he obviously was making up on the spot.  He sang, “You are so awesome; You’re the boss J.” Then Robert, being the detailed little person that he is said, “God is not the Boss.” And then A.J. said, “God is the Boss.”  And so being the contenders that they are, Robert and A.J. went toe to toe about whether or not God is the boss until finally, Robert said, “God is not the boss because sometimes people don’t do what He says.”  Wow, out of the mouth of babes!

When I heard him say that, I said to myself: “Then, who’s the boss?”  And this is what I heard in my Spirit: “That is a good question.”

Sometimes I look at the lives of people who say that they love God and live for Him, and I wonder how that is possible when their lives speaks something different.  You see, when a person really gives his/her life to Him, then it is evident in his/her daily walk.  That person dies to his/her self, and his/her wants.  He/She chooses daily to make the most of every opportunity to live for God.  That kind of person really is a child of God.

Saints, if you are going to reach your destiny, then you must realize that you have been “crucified with Christ; nevertheless, you live.”  You must be determined to live a life worthy of His name.

Be blessed, healed, delivered, and set free!

First Lady LaShawn 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Listen Closely

And you are to love those who are aliens, for you yourselves were aliens in Egypt.
Deuteronomy 10:19

Years ago, after I had my first child, the Lord spoke to me through Pastor David Ireland and said, “As you hold your children, I will speak to you and give you answers and direction.”  I took that to mean that whether I was interacting with my children through some form of bonding or just watching their lives develop, He would speak to me.  God has done just that.  Although He does speak to me at other times, it seems that in this season of my life, He usually gets my attention through my children.

I remember a special time when Pastor Andy and I took our children on a family vacation, a periodic vacation, away from the cares of the world, is something that I strongly suggest.  Everyone needs a time of rest away from the cares of the world.  The bible says in Psalm 127:2 that “He grants sleep or rest to those He loves.”  If the Word says it, I believe that it should be done.  Anyway, back to my point.  While on vacation, I was observing my son Robert.  He is one of my children who tends to be the most reserved in public, but of course, I know him to be different at home.  But lately, I’ve noticed that he is not only watching people, but that he is drawn to them.  On vacation, I saw him not only playing with children he had never met, but he was also talking to the parents of the children much more than usual.  One day, he was talking to a complete stranger who had no children with her.  Being a responsible parent, I told Robert that he should never talk to strangers.  Just as I said it, I heard that Lord say, “This is the way my people should be – free to love and embrace others.”  That seems to be a truth most saints have yet to walk in, even with each other.  It certainly is a challenge to do what the Word says in Matthew 18:3 and become like a little child.  But we must do it!

Pastor Andy has stated that he’s praying and believing that in the next 6-12 months, the common heathen will be drawn to our church, seeking a place of refuge and safety.  We all know that the harvest is ripe.  If God truly has called us to this church, then we must get ready for the harvest that is coming our way.  We cannot afford to shrink from our God-given responsibility to nurture those souls.  Family, we have a lot of loving to do.  But don’t worry.  God will give us grace for the race because we are here for such a time as this!

Love and Peace,

Your First Lady